Sustainability: Calculated columns in emission movements

The program module for processing and managing sustainability in tacoss.eTRADE contains a separate query and administration portal. This is located in the menu "Report \ Ware \ Nachhaltigkeit".

The "mass balance system" shows a table overview for evaluating and analysing stock and article-related mass balances.  

By means of drill-down, the user can view the individual mass balances and view the underlying transactions in the relevant program window via the respective context menu or view the documents (delivery note, invoice, credit note, ...) in the archive.

Calculated columns

The following "calculated columns" exist for emission movements:

  • Document (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.BELEGNUMMER): This column shows the document number of the underlying transaction.
  • Account number. (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.KONTONUMMER): This column shows the number of the customer account from the underlying operation.
  • Customer account (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.KONTONAME): This column shows the name of the customer account from the underlying operation.
  • Article no. (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.ARTIKELNUMMER): This column shows the number of the item from the underlying operation.
  • Article (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.ARTIKELNAME): This column shows the name of the article from the underlying operation.
  • Operation type: (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.VORGANGSART): This column shows the name of the operation type from the underlying operation.
  • Number plate (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.KFZKENNZEICHEN): This column shows the vehicle's official number plate for the order or the weighing order.
  • Contract number. (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.KONTRAKTNUMMER): This column shows the number of the contract to the order item or to the weighing order.

  • Contr.-Ext. (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.KONTRAKTEXTERN): This column shows the external number of the contract to the order item or to the weighing order.
  • Postcode (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.ORTSPLZ): This column shows the postal code of the city from the address of the order.
  • Location (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.ORTSNAME): This column shows the name of the city from the address of the order.
  • District (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.ORTSTEIL): This column contains the district for the place from the address of the order.
  • Transport (Column: EMISSIONSBEW.TRANSPORTNUMMER): This column contains the number of the transfer order to the order item or the weighing order.

If the columns above are not visible or can't be displayed, the menu item "Default Setup" should be selected from the context menu of the column headings to activate the desired columns (see also the section "Overview Tables: disable calculated columns" on pages 10 and 11 in the update information "changes in the program stand - version 1.2045 .pdf").
