Many of our customers in the agricultural trade use the months of November and December for master data maintenance. Do you have the necessary certificates of expertise? Do QA certificates have to be renewed? Are the mass and nutrient balances correct for customers and suppliers?
The quality assurance of traded products plays a major role for agricultural trading companies. Legally anchored directives such as the EU regulation on quality regulations for agricultural products and food as well as control systems introduced by the agricultural trade itself provide the framework for action. These quality assurance systems formulate standards with regard to hygiene and safety through specific requirements for transport, reception, storage and traceability.
In order to meet the requirements of such quality systems (for example GMP, QC or HACCP), the ERP solution tacoss.eTRADE has been offering certificate-based control of the flow of goods as part of the QA tool for a long time.
Cross-location, current and complete master data form the cornerstone for important business decisions.

Quality certified goods
When checking transactions, all associated certificate types are collected together from the article in the various levels of the article hierarchy and compared with the certificates of the business partner, warehouse or vehicle belonging to the transaction.
At each level of the article hierarchy (supergroup, subgroup, type of goods and article) it can be stored which types of certificates are required.
Business partner
You can determine whether the business partner involved in a transaction should be checked at all.
The valid quality certificates can then be recorded in the customer, with each certificate being assigned to a certificate type.
Storage locations
In addition to the customers, when checking certificate-based goods flows, the storage locations must also have valid quality certificates.
If quality-certified goods are transported by the company's own vehicles, these must also have valid quality certificates during the inspection.
Storage bins
For the storage bins, you can specify whether receipts of non-quality-certified goods should be rejected if the storage bins are reserved for certified goods.
Examination of transactions
The examination of the certificate-based transactions takes place within the areas "Contracts", "Transport orders", "Weighing orders" and "Order items". All roles involved in such a transaction (customers or business partners, warehouse, vehicles) are checked to see whether they have at least one certificate of the certificate types required by the article or the higher levels.
Incoming goods
When goods are received, the supplier (or the outbound storage location in the case of relocations), the warehouse and the forwarder (external transport) or the vehicle (own transport) are checked to determine whether the transaction is quality-certified. If necessary, the storage location is also checked to see whether it is even allowed to accept the goods.
Goods issues
When goods are issued, the storage location, the warehouse and the carrier (external transport) or the vehicle (own transport) are checked accordingly.
In the respective transactions, any check takes place at the time of storage. If an exam is required and it is not passed, a dialog box appears with a reference to the reason (s) for the certification rejection.
Forms such as transport orders, exemptions, weighing documents, delivery notes, invoices, credit notes and contract confirmations can be revised so that a corresponding note appears on the printout depending on the "QCert goods" property of the respective transaction.
Weitere Bereiche zur Qualitätssicherung in tacoss.eTRADE:

QM warehouse


Material flow management

Plant protection