To-do function in tacoss.eTRADE

With the new to-do function, you can now create tasks with a description directly in the application. Assign these tasks to yourself or to other users or user groups and set up associated due dates and reminders.

Linking the to-do to any program window to which the created task should relate makes work much easier. This means that there is no longer any need for time-consuming communication by e-mail, reference to program windows and repeated calls to these in tacoss.eTRADE.


"Das Programmieren dieser Funktionalität hat richtig Spaß gemacht, denn To-dos direkt in der Anwendung zu erfassen ist einfach klasse. Es spart viel Zeit und man hat jederzeit alles im Blick."


Oke Dreja (Developer, Tacoss Software GmbH)

Directly in the application

You have the option of creating tasks with a description directly in tacoss.eTRADE, which saves you from communicating with your colleagues via email.

Assignment of users

You can assign the to-do to yourself, one or more other users, or one or more user groups.

Linked program windows

Create a to-do that is linked to a program window and the corresponding transaction, e.g. a specific order, contract, transport order, etc.

Due dates and reminders

Setzen Sie eine Fälligkeit mit Datums- und Uhrzeitangabe. Mithilfe der Erinnerungsfunktion legen Sie fest, wie lange vor der gewählten Fälligkeit der zugewiesene Benutzer/die zugewiesene Benutzergruppe eine Erinnerung erhalten soll.


Every time you log in to tacoss.eTRADE, you will receive notifications of your to-dos. There are three types of notifications: new to-do, reminder, and due.

Automatic creation

For certain events, to-dos can be automatically created in tacoss.eTRADE.

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