Another tacoss.eMOBILE satellite is launched. You can now access the extensive functionalities of the tacoss.ePRINT module at any time on the go. Taking into account the preset workflow and distribution list, you can upload invoices and credit notes, call them up and approve them for dispatch to your customers.

The release is carried out following the 4-eye check by the persons responsible in your company, e.g. Managing director, Head of the finance department or Sales manager. For each document, you can see who has to approve it, whose approval has taken place, and whose approval is still missing. With the release in the app, the documents in tacoss.ePRINT are transferred to the print file to be created for dispatch to your customers. General settings for the print file are taken into account, as well as the different dispatch types (File, FTP, E-Mail, E-POST), which are set up in advance and controlled by the recipient (customers, customer accounts).
Check - Release - Send
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This hybrid app can be used on iOS devices from 8 .x and Android devices from 5 .x. tacPrint is available as a free download from the Apple and Google Play stores.