40 years of software development

In the year 1981 the company founder Claus Erichsen had the company Erichsen Datenservice GmbH entered in the commercial register. The idea was to write software for agricultural trading companies. That was the beginning of today's Tacoss Software GmbH. Since then 40 years have passed. Our team of programmers and business people can now look back on a large number of successfully implemented projects. The initial founding purpose has remained unchanged due to the ever advancing digitization. Even today, software solutions for agricultural trade are still our core business. We now develop and sell industry-specific ERP software for trading and production companies with up to 700 users.

"Mit Freude blicken wir auf 40 erfolgreiche Kapitel unserer Unternehmensgeschichte zurück. Wir danken allen Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partnern. Alle zusammen haben die Tacoss Software GmbH zu dem gemacht, was sie heute ist."

Claus Erichsen, company founder and partner

We dedicated our first morning team meeting in 2021 to the company anniversary and the company founder Claus Erichsen. Due to Corona, it was the only way for us to celebrate the special occasion at this time. Some anecdotes and many great memories were recited. A good start to the year 2021!

Hopefully you have also started well into this year! We wish you a successful and happy 2021!

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