Team portrait: Senior software developer Torben Ulrich

Torben Ulrich

Senior software developer

Software architect and mentor for junior developers

My job at Tacoss

My tasks at Tacoss range from customer coordination and project design to object-oriented programming. This also includes testing and debugging. I really enjoy mentoring tasks. I support the junior developers and provide the trainees with exciting tasks.

Mein Spezialgebiet
Ich sehe mich als Softwarearchitekt und bin in der Lage, den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Softwareentwicklung von Anfang bis Ende zu managen. Dabei behalte ich auch die Infrastruktur im Auge.


That's what I like about Tacoss

I like that I can develop freely and that I am encouraged to try new things. Flat hierarchies and thus little bureaucracy ensure a pleasant working atmosphere. No obstacles are put in the way and the team is open to innovations.


Das mache ich gern in meiner Freizeit
Nach Feierabend oder am Wochenende und auch mal morgens früh vor der Arbeit bin ich auf der Ostsee mit meinem Kite anzutreffen. Dabei kommen aber weder meine Frau noch Hund und Haus zu kurz.


I am good at

Getting on the nerves of junior developers and trainees. Joking aside, I'm good at sorting through complex tasks and structuring them. I stay calm in conflict situations.


I would like to learn that

The backroll in kitesurfing. That doesn't work so well yet!


I am proud of

That I successfully completed my master's degree in applied computer science with a focus on IT security parallel to my full-time job. It makes me happy that so many people respect me.


Describe yourself in 3 words

Balanced, open-minded, motivated

I see myself as a software architect and am able to manage the entire life cycle of software development from start to finish.

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