Unabhängig von der Größe und Organisationsform des Unternehmens können Administratoren in der Anwendung tacoss.eTRADE einfach, flexibel und schnell Benutzern und Benutzergruppen unterschiedlichste Rechte zuordnen. Im Vordergrund steht die Anpassung an das Tätigkeitsprofil der Benutzer und an den jeweiligen Arbeitsplatz. Durch die präzise Rechtevergabe werden Fehler minimiert und Arbeitsabläufe optimiert.
Until now, the rights could be restricted via programs, data, fields and documents. A new feature is the option of releasing certain functions via function blocks for individual users or entire user groups.
User and rights management in tacoss.eTRADE

Restrictions on program selection per user group.

Restriction of data through filters that are activated for specific user groups.

Individual rights can be assigned to all fields within the program window.

Access restrictions to all forms and archived documents.

Release functions via function blocks to individual users or entire user groups.
Functional rights
Functional rights expand the spectrum of rights management in tacoss.eTRADE in a variety of ways. Administrators can be relieved by enabling special functions for users with the appropriate qualifications and specialist knowledge. At the same time, there is no need to create an infinite number of new user groups.
Functional rights can be specifically controlled using assignment mechanisms and locks. Queries provide an overview of the functions assigned to users.