tacoss.ePRINT: Multi-stage approval process for documents

Within the ERP software, the tacoss.ePRINT module enables the distribution-based, structured dispatch of print documents, which are summarized in the form of print files as PDF documents. 


An individual distribution logic can be described for the workflow for releasing individual print documents. Control options are available using forms and form types, the amount of the respective print documents and via users or department and area-related user groups.


Until now, print file records could be released by simply having an authorized user release them. From now on, you can specify that several and, if necessary, even signature-based releases are required for sending the print document

Easy approval:

As soon as an authorized user releases the print file record, a print file release is generated and at the same time the print file record is completely released.

Any authorized user can reset the release; it does not necessarily have to be the same person who released the document.


Multi-stage approval:

As soon as an authorized user releases the print file record, a print file release is generated, provided that the currently logged in user has not already released this print file record.

At the same time, it is checked whether sufficient releases have been granted to completely release the print file record.

Each user can only reset their share, but not those of other users!


Approval with signature

When a record set is created, "empty" releases are immediately created as placeholders for the required signatures. As soon as an authorized user releases the print file set, a valid signature is determined in the signature directory and the print file release corresponding to the signature type is filled, provided the currently logged in user has not already released this print file set.

At the same time, it is checked whether sufficient releases have been granted to completely release the print file record.

Each user can only reset his release, but not those of other users! The release is only "emptied", which means the release data for the user and for the time are reset.

Your benefits

Multi-stage releases enrich the distribution logic and the workflow of digitally sent documents, increase security and enable a multi-eyes principle! The optional signatures, which are incorporated into the documents when sending digital documents, also simplify the flow of documents between you and your business partners!

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