Sustainability: Individual THG values ​​in outgoing goods

For the management of sustainable biomass, tacoss.eTRADE offers various possibilities to determine THG value via contracts, self-explanations, NUTS tables and also on valid standard values ​​from the THG articles for incoming goods.

For outgoing goods the average THG value is detected at the motion date from the storage and article-based mass balance.

The new property "THGAusgangUeberDurchschnitt" in the basic parameter "000037 QMZertifikate" can be used to determine whether the THG value for outgoing goods is to be calculated automatically or, as in the case of the incoming goods, from the above-mentioned sources.

If the property is set to the value "0" or "false", the automatic calculation of the average THG value is not performed. The process for determining the value is the same as for incoming goods. The value "1" or "true" (standard value) continues as before, so that outgoing goods are provided with the average THG value of the corresponding mass balance.

The possible conversion of the property has no effect on already processed or on integrated operations.
