The transport order program "Disposition \ Processing \ Transport Order" contains various input fields for recording operation-related communication data, such as mobile, telephone and fax numbers, both for the loading area (from) and the delivery area (to) .
The various communication data are automatically transferred from the relevant master data (customer, customer account, delivery address, warehouse, branch, profit center).
However, several numbers can be stored in the individual master data programs for each type of communication (telephone, mobile etc.). In order to be able to select these in the transport order after automatic transfer, instead of entering these manually, each input field for the communication data has been expanded by a selection button in the "Additional" tab.
Selection button
The system recursively determines all the communication data for the corresponding and underlying communication type. For customers, these are the areas: customer, customer account and delivery address. In the case of warehouses, these are the areas: warehouses, branches and profit centers.
In general, however, this expansion must be activated via the basic parameter "000003 Vehicle disposition". The "KommunikationAuswahl" property must be set to "true" or "1".
Otherwise the selection buttons next to the input fields for the communication data would not be displayed.
The structure of the individual entry in the combobox can also be controlled via the basic parameter. The "KommunikationMaske" property is used to determine which data are to be displayed from the communication data.

Secure recording and processing
This extension supports the dispatcher in recording and processing individual transport orders. It prevents accidental incorrect entries when modifying communication data because no data has to be entered, but can be selected via a dialog window.