It is now possible to set the job TWTExport as a standalone RMI service. This then takes over the data exchange between the tacoss.eTRADE and the tacoss.ePORTAL. Only one service can accept the data exchange, so the TWT export job must definitely be blocked or removed when the TWT server is set up.
The TWT server must be installed on a server or computer which explicitly accesses the system environment of the tacoss.eTRADE (database and system directories).
The technical installation of the server service is carried out by an employee or at least in consultation with an employee of Tacoss Software GmbH!
Server service
The server service operates cyclically with predefined waiting times and rest times. It runs through several action phases in the following order:
- Return processing of the TWT export: When data has been incorporated into tacoss.ePORTAL, a confirmation is written to a so-called return file. This is evaluated as the first phase of a new run.
- Import of ePORTAL records: If the data are changed in tacoss.ePORTAL, they are also processed in tacoss.eTRADE. The data records are collected by ePORTAL, evaluated and integrated into eTRADE. A confirmation in a return file is also provided to ePORTAL for evaluation during import.
- Exporting eTRADE records: If ePORTAL relevant data are changed or created in eTRADE, they are exported to tacoss.ePORTAL and integrated. During processing, ePORTAL writes a confirmation to a return file, which is evaluated by eTRADE in the next run.
The TWT server service responds to various parameters from the twtsrv.ini configuration file, which must be located in the work directory of the server service.
The TWT server service also has an RMI-based remote interface so that the (customer) administrator can also terminate or initialize it from a tacoss.eTRADE session.
There is a flag icon in the tacoss.eTRADE status bar. The color red means that one of the server services is stopped or at least not available. The green color indicates that all server services are working.

All status, log, and error messages are written to log files in the work directory of the server service. The files are called "" where "xxx" is a consecutive number from 001 to 999 and starts again after 999 at 001. The maximum size of a log file is between 64 and 70 KByte.
In each log entry, the date, time, JAVA class with method names and the message are separated by ";". In part, a stacktrace (list of the calling class methods) is shown in order to determine the origin of the message.