As a substitute for the three logical transport operations "self-collection", "self-delivery" and "transport order", separate transaction types can also be described if these have been activated via the basic settings for disposition. Such operations can be set up in a much more detailed manner and thus control corresponding transport processes more specifically.
Using the disposition transaction types, which are processed via the basic settings of the disposition (menu: "Disposition \ System \ Dispo Basis"), it can now also be specified that the articles to be processed can be adapted or modified at the scale.
When you manually create a transport order in the disposition or automatically create a transport order using the order management and the data of an order, the changeability of the article from the determined disposition transaction type is transferred to the new transport order. If, however, a contract is addressed additionally, the changeability of the article stored there (for example, for contracts that can be settled) applies.
The changeability of the article in the weighing order can be defined in the program window within the "Parameters" tab using the "Changeable article" checkbox.

Within the transport order window (in the menu: "Disposition \ Processing \ Transport order"), the corresponding pre-defined check box "Article changeable" is located in the "Status" area of the "Status" tab.

If a transport order, which allows the article to be changed, is addressed in the weighing order window, the input field and the search button for the article remain activated even after the transport order has been retrieved, so that the article could be adapted.
Changing the article, however, has an impact on the information on the transport order in regard to sustainability. This information shall only apply if the article of the weighing order corresponds to the article of the transport order.
When generating the order and the order item, the article from the weighing order is taken into account instead of the article from the transport order.
In this way, for example, transport orders for stock transfers can be parked, for which it is not yet clear which particular article is actually to be moved. In such cases, the employee or the driver can set this directly at the scale, as long as no contract is assigned.