Customers and suppliers: Department based delivery texts

When you enter orders and operations for scheduling (transport orders and vehicle orders) as well as for fuel oil operations, a delivery text from the master data of the customer or the customer account or the address is determined and transferred to the respective operation.

Due to the different business areas, it may be necessary to use different delivery texts depending on the area or department. It is often not enough to store these directly in the master data of the customer, the customer account or the delivery address.

The ERP software tacoss.eTRADE was therefore enhanced by the possibility to store department-based delivery texts in the master data programs described above.

However, this extension must first be activated via the basic parameter "000033 AnliefertextAusKunden". The "AbteilungsTexte" property must be set to "true" or "1" to enable both the acquisition and administration of the delivery texts as well as the transfer to the operations.

The department-based delivery texts are stored using the master data programs of the customer, the customer account, or the delivery address (menu: "Customer / vendor \ master data").

A further tab "Delivery texts" appears in the program windows. This contains the tabular overview of the already entered delivery texts for the individual departments.

Recording and processing of delivery texts

A new delivery text can be entered with the "New" button. Double-clicking on a displayed delivery text allows you to edit the corresponding text.

The department-based delivery texts are managed in a separate program window. This can also be called directly (menu: "Customer / Vendor \ Master Data \ Delivery Texts").

The individual delivery texts are clearly defined by their affiliation with a department and the main area (customer, customer account, delivery address).

Because the standard text components do not provide any functions for easily aligning the inputted texts, it is cumbersome to capture block or column text. Because of the proportional font used (each character has an individual width), the individual characters must be counted or read in the status bar of tacoss.eTRADE.

There is a checkbox in front of the text box. Depending on whether the checkbox is empty or contains a checkmark, a proportional font or one with a fixed character width is used for the adjacent text field. The text can be edited much more easily with a fixed character width.

If the delivery text is to be determined via the department of the article, the delivery text is recalculated and updated in the order when you save an order item.

Identification of the department

Bei der Ermittlung der Abteilung innerhalb der Vorgangsbearbeitung für Auftr��ge bzw. Transport- oder Heizölaufträge gibt es zwei Vorgehensweisen: über den Mitarbeiter oder über den Artikel.


Both the employee and the article are assigned to a department either directly or via the goods type. Using the property "AbteilungUeberMitarbeiter" in the basic parameter "000049 AbholwerkUeberMitarbeiter" you can specify whether the department of the employee (values ​​"1" or "true") or the department of the goods type of the article (values ​​"0" or "false") should be considered to determine the respective delivery text.

In the order management, several jobs can be created for an order.
